Heritage Discovery Programme
The Heritage Discovery Programme (HDP) is an international Golden Jubilee initiative that facilitates travel and learning, explores heritage and history, and nurtures frontierless brotherhood and ambassadorial skills among young Ismailis.
Participants will be brought together from various parts of the world for a unique intellectual and physical journey, with the aim of enhancing their awareness of the Jamat’s diverse heritage and traditions. It is envisaged that the HDP experience will enable participants to develop a deeper understanding of the Institution of Imamat as well as its historical and contemporary initiatives, including some of the most renowned projects of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN). Participants will visit diverse Muslim settings wherein the expressive interaction between faith and society, and culture and identity, reinforces the notion of din (faith) and dunya (world) being inseparable. Bridging theoretical learning with field experience, HDP is sure to enhance participants’ personal and intellectual growth.
Launched during the Golden Jubilee year, HDP is envisaged to become an ongoing programme. The first cycle will accommodate up to 140 members of the Ismaili community (also known as the Jamat) globally.
The word “heritage” tends to evoke images of museums, historic sites, traditional architecture and antiquities. But in addition to these, heritage is also a contemporary idea in that, what we build today becomes heritage tomorrow. Hence, through our contemporary work, we are continuously shaping the heritage of future generations. This process, of linking the past to the present and of building for future generations, characterises many of the initiatives of the Ismaili Imamat.
Programme Overview
The Programme is designed for young professionals between the ages of 25-35 years and consists of four components:
- Pre-reading – Required readings will provide a foundation for understanding the context, ethical underpinnings and impact of specific institutional projects;
- Facilitated Travel – This will involve visits to historic monuments, heritage sites and AKDN projects, providing participants with perspectives on historic and contemporary initiatives of the Jamat and the Imamat, and their impact on Muslim communities and wider society;
- Jamati Presentation and Final Project – Having internalised the ethical and philosophical underpinnings of Imamat initiatives, and having experienced some of the diversity and pluralism of the Muslim world, participants will be expected to apply their learning and share their experiences with members of the Jamat;
- Alumni Network – HDP will provide an opportunity to network and establish lifelong friendships with Ismailis from different traditions and cultures.
Application Cycles and Forms
Applications for 2007-2008 are being accepted from 15 September 2007 to 15 October 2007. For detailed application information and access to application forms, please click here.
Online applications require registration codes. These and paper application forms can be obtained at Jamatkhana and through your local Council.
Deadline for applications: 15 October 2007 (on-line or hard copy).
Who can apply?
The Heritage Discovery Programme is open to any individual who:
- Was born between 15 September 1972 and 15 October 1982
- Has a good command of written and spoken English
- Is available for pre-travel and post-travel activities, as may be required
- Is available to travel abroad without restriction from 12- 30 March 2008
- Demonstrates the passion and commitment to learning about Ismaili history and heritage as well as the contemporary initiatives of the Imamat and the willingness to share his/her learning with the Jamat and others
Please note: additional criteria may apply to select the best candidates for this programme
Contact Us
For further information and answers to common questions, click here.
DISCLAIMER: For your convenience, we have provided hypertext links to the Heritage Discovery Programme (HDP) website. The Programme and the HDP website is owned and managed by Celebrations Global Limited (CGL). The Programme and HDP website is not in any way approved, checked, edited or vetted by Islamic Publications Limited (IPL). IPL shall not be liable in any way for the content of the Programme or the HDP website or for any dealings that you may have with these, or the consequences of such dealings, with CGL as a third party site operator. In particular, you agree that any dealings you have with CGL as a third party site operator shall be on the terms and conditions of CGL.
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